What is CRC Cap ? & Why it is necessary for Children
Child-resistant Cap or CRC Cap is a “special packaging cap” which is specifically for the children below 5 years. The purpose of this cap is to reduce the risk of poisoning in children via the ingestion of hazardous items including certain prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) medications, pesticides & household chemicals. Child Resistant Caps are essential when it comes to selling Pharmaceuticals, Medicinal, Nutraceuticals & Household Chemicals.
It was first introduced in the USA by the ACT passed by U.S. Congress which is known as the Poison Prevention Packaging Act of 1970. This law got mandatory in the USA is prevent the children not to consume Toxic contents. Child Resistant Caps or CRC Cap or CRC Closure has certain benefits which includes
- It is Leak-Proof Cap
- It is Very Protective cap
- It is Used in tablet container
- Best for Medicinal use
- Use of HDPE material in manufacturing
- It is a Quality product
- Very easy to use for adults
- Most importantly it is Hazards Free
In India, there are many few CRC Caps Manufacturers, Suppliers, and Exporters who produce a Quality Child Resistant Caps
Here is the Example of CRC Cap!